We can’t wait to enjoy the wilderness with you! We have a few dates in mind - please register now to hold your spot! We have various exciting events lined up for you to choose from.
Women’s Bushcraft & Survival Weekend: TBD
Mom’s & Daughters Basic Bushcraft Weekend: TBD
Mom’s & Son’s Basic Buschcraft Weekend: TBD
Sept 2024 (mom/son weekend): Thank you so much for a wonderful weekend full of friendship and making memories. C and I had so much fun and learned a lot. As soon as he got home, he showed his siblings how to make a fire. It was nice getting to know you and Thomas and having the boys play in nature together.
Women’s Bushcraft & Wilderness Weekend; up to 15 other women for a weekend of gaining confidence outdoors and making new friends! What our weekend will consist of: setting up camp - all ladies will set up own tents and tarps (assistance provided as needed), Pit toilets, Hatchets/Axes & Morakniv teaching, tarps & knots, shelter building, water purification, safe river crossing, bear and cougar safety, cooking (prep and clean up) and what to do if lost in the woods. Be prepared for some hiking and bonus points for those who make and sleep in their shelter.
Mom’s & Daughters/Sons: will learn: bear safety, confident match & flint & steel use, different fire making techniques, knife and hatchet use, tarp & knots., basic compass use, shelter making, safe river crossing and river rescue. We will also do some forest bathing, and forest crafting…(making primitive tools and torches)…and much more!
What is the price for these amazing Weekends?
Women’s Weekends: $450/person
Mom & Daughter/Son Weekends: $550.00
Includes food, bushcraft lessons, TONS OF FUN - PLUS BONUS PRIZES + GIFTS!